Photo of a white transmasculine person with short hair, freckles, and glasses.

Ben Jamieson Stanley


Assistant Professor of Environmental Humanities

Department of English, University of Delaware

Ph.D. in English, University of Pennsylvania (August 2018)


My work explores how we narrate and understand relations between globalization and environmental precarity. I write and teach at the hinge of the environmental humanities, postcolonial studies, food studies, and energy humanities, focusing on contemporary environmental literature and culture in South Africa, India, and elsewhere in the global South. I am also interested in multiethnic and Indigenous literatures of North America.

My monograph Precarious Eating: Narrating Environmental Harm in the Global South is now available from University of Minnesota Press (2024). Precarious Eating explores food and globalization in contemporary environmental cultures of South Africa and India.

I am now working on a new monograph, tentatively titled Mobilities: Movement and Energy in a Changing South Africa.

Check out the many new voices in the “South African Food Studies” special issue of Matatu: Journal of African Cultural Studies.

See About page for more info.

The University of Delaware rests on Native land. View Living Land Acknowledgement here.